Wednesday, October 17, 2007

A Work in Progress

After much fasting and prayer, we made the jump into homeschooling this year. So far, so good. The hardest part thus far is realising that there are no set guidelines, no set curriculum and no educational rules. THATS THE GREAT PART!! I'm still working on what works for my kids, but we are learning lots. Plus the kids LOVE sugar cubes....the ancient egyptian pyramid tastes good. :)

1 comment:

AlohaAmmie said...

Hey Alisha and all!

We love homeschooling our girls too! Chris was not to thrilled with it at first, but he has come to see what a good change it was for our family. We are in our second full year and are still tweaking things here and there as to what we teach and when. It helps that ballet consumes most of our week, then we have to get things done in a reasonable time limit. But, the girls' test scores have been better each year, so they must be learning something ;) Good luck on your homeschooling adventure!

All Our Love from O'ahu,

Ammie, the girls (Elizabeth, Carolynn, Delia and Bubba), and Chris, too!